Friday, May 23, 2014

House wife prep

NOT. lol I'm nothing near a house wife, Jeff usually does all the cooking. HOWEVER, I got up ass early this morning to make a pot roast. That's right, I seasoned the rump and browned it on all four sides and cut up some delicious carrots, celery, mushrooms and onions and threw it all in the crock pot. I'm jealous of the dogs who get to sit at home lounging on the couch basking in it's glorious smell filling the house. Hopefully it's nommers. 

Another wonderful thing happened this morning as well, had another doc appt. Jeffrey and I got to hear the baby's little heart beat again, 155 bpm. It took the doc a little bit of time to find the heartbeat which freaked me out! But, it's there, phew! I'm too neurotic for pregnancy. 

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