Tuesday, June 24, 2014

20 weeks...HALFWAY

I'm two days early but we had our fetal scan / radiology appt today so I wanted to post now. I'm simply, an impatient person. 

Here's a pic of the 20 weeks baby bump. 

I'm feeling great other than extreme heartburn and indigestion. Which, incidentally, is something I battled even before pregnancy. Still sucks, especially when I can't take my medication.  

Little girls name is officially Avery Renee Martin. Her middle name is her grandma and my middle name and her last name is obviously her papas. First name we both just feel in love with. Just like we are falling in love with our little girl more and more everyday. 

Feeling lots of little kicks, hoping that Jeff will start to feel them soon too so we can share this joy together. 

Luckily the butt hole cramps have subsided....for now. YES,that's a real thing, butt hole cramps. A pain id like to pass on ever feeling again. 

No stretch marks yet, but I have started to develop the dark line traveling from the belly button down. Which I'm totally fine with, apart from all the hair that's started to sprout, I look like a hairy blimp. BUT no stretch marks so it's all good. Lol. 

My breasts haven't grown at all....but my ass sure has. Which may be a direct result of all the ice cream I've been eating. I've also developed an obsession with fresh sourdough bread. Pop it in the toaster, slap some butter on it and you get a slice of heaven in your mouth. PIYO will be my best friend after Avery arrives. 

I'm highly disappointed in my lack of exercise thus far throught my pregnancy. I'm becoming extremely lazy. I guess the first step is admitting it, hopefully I can get my butt to the gym more often before I start to get too large. What? Walking my dogs and clumping three flights of stairs to get to my apartment daily doesn't count? Duly noted.

AND for my favorite part, some pics of Avery: 

She was curled up on her knees in downward dog...least one of is is practicing some form of exercise...

Little Avery feet, can't wait to kiss them:

And this one is the top of her nose, her lips and her belly, facing forward (the arrow is pointed towards her lips): 

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