Friday, July 11, 2014

Feeling huge....

This is what I consumed today:

Breakfast: Blueberry muffin and decaf Starbucks iced white mocha 

Snack: Smart Ones mini cheese burger 

Lunch: Jersey Mikes regular turkey and provolone sub, salt and vinegar chips and a chocolate chip cookie

Snack: Ritz crackers

Dinner: In N Out shake and a Rubios fish taco

HOOOOO. Mama. No. I feel huge. Good think I've made it a habit to take my dogs on 30 min walks every day.

The aftermath: 

Thursday, July 10, 2014

22 weeks

How Far Along: 22 weeks
Gender: Girl
Weight Gain: Rigjt around 10 lbs, give or take a few id imagine 
Maternity Clothes: Just one pair of maternity jeans and a few stretchy tank tops so far 
Belly Button In or Out: In 
Sleep: Some you're only supposed to sleep on your side my hips have started to go numb in the middle of the night so I've been waking up and having to get comfortable. Id imagine that'll only get worse the bigger I get. 
Best Moment This Week: Jeffrey feeling and seeing Avery move, it's was sheer joy. 
Miss Anything: It's the same as every week, sushi, a nice cold alcoholic libation, eating whatever I want whenever I want and working out. 
Movement: She's very active early in the mornings, but doesn't really have a consistamt "movement schedule" yet. 
Cravings: None, cravings during pregnancy are a lie. 
Looking Forward To: A little trip to San Fran with the boo in August. 

Thursday, July 3, 2014


Let me preface with this; it's extremely slow at work today. 

So far I've laminated everything I could think of, including my paper insurance card and social security card. One of which I'm pretty sure I shouldn't have laminated but that point is moot. 

Seriously someone is going to walk into my office and everything's going to be covered in plastic. 

IM SO BOREEEEEDDDD, least it's "Friday". Excited for some noms at tomorrow's BBQ pool party. 

Everyone have a happy and safe 4th. 

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

21 Weeks

How Far Along: 21 weeks
Weight Gain: 10 lbs so far. Hoping to only gain around 10-15 more, fingers crossed 
Maternity Clothes: So far I have one pair of maternity jeans and some tank tops, I mostly wear yoga pants and in this pic which I took this morning, I'm actually wearing my regular jeans from before I got pregnant. 
Belly Button In or Out: In 
Sleep: Sleeping fine. Got a body pillow but hardly use it. I find myself waking up on my back, which is a little bit concerning since you aren't supposed to sleep on your back. 
Best Moment This Weeks: Getting our crib! 
Miss Anything: A nice cold Strawberita to accompany me at the pool.
Movement: I was feeling lots of little kicks but haven't been lately :( sort of disconcerting. 
Cravings: None really
Looking Forward To: Finishing the registry and getting a book to start reading to Avery while she's still in my tummy, papas idea :) 

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Thought process of a hypochondriac...

Sitting peacefully under a tree at work, reading my book, when all of a sudden I feel a pinch on my hand. I look down and see a tiny little black bug. Looks like a caterpillar but who knows. Then this happened.....welcome to my world. 

My heart rate is finally going back to normal and it's been 20-39 minutes since I got bit lol. I'm laughing right now, but 10 minutes ago I legitimately considered going to the hospital. FML. 

PS: This is what leads to googling; I now know all kinda of caterpillars in San Diego and which ones are poisonous and why type of reactions they cause. 

PPS: I should charge my phone.....

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

20 weeks...HALFWAY

I'm two days early but we had our fetal scan / radiology appt today so I wanted to post now. I'm simply, an impatient person. 

Here's a pic of the 20 weeks baby bump. 

I'm feeling great other than extreme heartburn and indigestion. Which, incidentally, is something I battled even before pregnancy. Still sucks, especially when I can't take my medication.  

Little girls name is officially Avery Renee Martin. Her middle name is her grandma and my middle name and her last name is obviously her papas. First name we both just feel in love with. Just like we are falling in love with our little girl more and more everyday. 

Feeling lots of little kicks, hoping that Jeff will start to feel them soon too so we can share this joy together. 

Luckily the butt hole cramps have subsided....for now. YES,that's a real thing, butt hole cramps. A pain id like to pass on ever feeling again. 

No stretch marks yet, but I have started to develop the dark line traveling from the belly button down. Which I'm totally fine with, apart from all the hair that's started to sprout, I look like a hairy blimp. BUT no stretch marks so it's all good. Lol. 

My breasts haven't grown at all....but my ass sure has. Which may be a direct result of all the ice cream I've been eating. I've also developed an obsession with fresh sourdough bread. Pop it in the toaster, slap some butter on it and you get a slice of heaven in your mouth. PIYO will be my best friend after Avery arrives. 

I'm highly disappointed in my lack of exercise thus far throught my pregnancy. I'm becoming extremely lazy. I guess the first step is admitting it, hopefully I can get my butt to the gym more often before I start to get too large. What? Walking my dogs and clumping three flights of stairs to get to my apartment daily doesn't count? Duly noted.

AND for my favorite part, some pics of Avery: 

She was curled up on her knees in downward dog...least one of is is practicing some form of exercise...

Little Avery feet, can't wait to kiss them:

And this one is the top of her nose, her lips and her belly, facing forward (the arrow is pointed towards her lips): 

Thursday, June 19, 2014

19 weeks

How Far Along: 19 weeks
Gender: Girl (Avery Renee) 
Weight Gain: Last time I weighed myself I was 136 that was last week. Start our about 127-130 so around 6 lbs as far as I know. 
Maternity Clothes: Just jeans :)
Belly Button In or Out? In but getting smaller lol 
Sleep: Sleeping just fine! 
Best Moment This Week: Cuddle time with my husband 
Miss Anything: Sushi 
Movement: She likes to squirm around after I eat 
Cravings: I don't think I believe in cravings. I've never truly CRAVED anything. You're just really hungry all the time. 
Looking Forward To: Seeing baby girl on the 24th 

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to my Dadio. The best dad I could ever ask for. I love you. 

AND happy Fathers Day to my best friend and love of my life Jeffrey. Avery Renee is one lucky girl to get to call you her daddy. 

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

17 weeks

Officially 17 weeks and 6 days along. 

How Far Along: 17 weeks 6 days as aforementioned 
Gender: Saturdays the day everyone will find out 
Weight Gain: 6 lbs so far 
Maternity Clothes: Just pants, I can still wear my regular jeans as well but not comfortably, still got into all my tops 
Belly Button In or Out: In, I don't think I'll ever get an outtie but we shall see 
Sleep: Sleeping with a blanket between my legs, might have to invest in a body pillow. Still get up on the middle of the night to pee but otherwise sleeping fine. 
Best Moment This Week: Not pregnancy related....seeing my husband in a pair of women's spandex American Flag leggings lol the World Cup is approaching and he's putting together his crazy outfit.  
Miss Anything: Coffee, Wine....basically everything bad for you lol 
Movement: There have been a few times daily where I think I feel a little tiny flutter but it's still so early I can't tell if it's the baby or just gas : / 
Cravings: Dark chocolate covered acai berries, but I've always had a craving for those thanks to my mother-in-law so I hardly doubt it's pregnancy related ha! 
Looking Forward to: This Saturday having all our family together to announce the gender 

Saturday, June 7, 2014

One year of marriage completed

Today marks one year being married to my best friend and dream come true. 

Friday, June 6, 2014

Maternity Pants

So I'm really not ready for maternity pants, I'm not really "showing". If someone I didn't know saw me walking down the street they wouldn't assume I was pregnant. Maybe just rolly ;) 

However, that said, my pants are getting tighter and as of late I have been exercising the "hair tie" trick. Which, incidentally, is extremely uncomfortable. So last night the hubs took me to get a pair of maternity pants. 

UMMMM HELLO, I don think I will ever wear normal pants again. Few reasons why: 1. They are exceptionally comfortable 2. They only come in small, medium and large, and being that they are maternity pants the sizes run large, rightfully so. Ergo, buying them makes me feel "skinny" even while I'm gaining weight cause I'm still a small. Ha. 3. I got a free shirt with the purchase of my jeans. Um, deal! 

Not sure why I took so long to finally get a pair. The sales lady in the store looked at me funny while I was shopping around, I don't think she thought I was pregnant. I wonder how many non-pregnant people have shopped there? Lol cause I would. 

Anyways, just thought if share 

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Food baby or real baby?

So, you may have heard me say a few times that I feel way more prego at night. Here is why: 

This picture was taken last night right before bed. This is what I call my food baby....

This picture was taken this morning right after I woke up. I call this my real-baby-that-at-up-all-my-food-and-now-I'm-starving baby.....

And now you can see why I feel super prego at night, and confused in the mornings haha. 

Ps: Id like to take a moment to share a little something my husband said to me last night. Don't go getting all "girl" on me either It's not a big deal and totally made me laugh but when I tried to explain to him that what he said probably shouldn't be said, he didn't understand. Typical guy....

Me: (staring in the mirror at my food baby) "babe do you think this is baby or fat"

Jeff: "probably both"

Me: (shocked look on my face) "what? *start laughing* I can't believe you just said that"

Jeff: "well you've been eating a lot of food lately" 

The rest of the night turned into me making jokes about being fat and not pregnant. 

LOL what a dummie. I love you baby : ) (you said I could share) 

Friday, May 30, 2014

16 weeks

16 weeks baked. Although I'm fairly certain that baby M is measuring about a week behind...that's okay tho. Baby is finally making it's debut, feel super prego at night and normal in the mornings. Headed to try a fun Pilates class at Club Pilates this weekend!! Hoping it does this body good ;) 

Here's the latest "belly" pic 

Monday, May 26, 2014

15 weeks

Will baby Martin be a boy or a girl? 

How far along? 15 weeks 4 days 
Gender: Everyone will know 6/14 
Weight Gain: 4-5 lbs. started at 127-130 and I'm between 130-135 right now.
Maternity Clothes: Maternity leggings but some says even those fall off. This pic does the bump justice. 
Belly button in or out: In 
Sleep: Sleeping great, still get up to pee every night. 
Best moment this week: Hearing baby's heart beat at the doc and buying out very first baby outfit. 
Miss anything: Kick boxing, I'm too afraid to continue that work out. Also miss coffee and my sweet red wine. 
Movement: Nothing I can feel just yet.
Cravings: Dark chocolate acai berries and ice cream. 
Looking forward to: Our gender reveal on 6/14  

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Ariel Pilates

Totally going here after birth to get back into shape

looks like so much fun! 

Bernie Lean

Weekend at Bernie's on TV?! Sshhhyyyyeeeeaaassaaaa. Guess I won't be working out for at least another hour. 

Friday, May 23, 2014

House wife prep

NOT. lol I'm nothing near a house wife, Jeff usually does all the cooking. HOWEVER, I got up ass early this morning to make a pot roast. That's right, I seasoned the rump and browned it on all four sides and cut up some delicious carrots, celery, mushrooms and onions and threw it all in the crock pot. I'm jealous of the dogs who get to sit at home lounging on the couch basking in it's glorious smell filling the house. Hopefully it's nommers. 

Another wonderful thing happened this morning as well, had another doc appt. Jeffrey and I got to hear the baby's little heart beat again, 155 bpm. It took the doc a little bit of time to find the heartbeat which freaked me out! But, it's there, phew! I'm too neurotic for pregnancy. 

Saturday, May 17, 2014

8 weeks Vs.14 weeks

Today we had our 4D ultrasound. It was the first time we have been able to see the baby since 8 weeks along.

It was so amazing to see that the baby has grow from a blob of cells to a human in such a short amount of time. It was also so relieving to just see the baby in general; to know it's growing and moving and healthy. 

Not going to lie, I seriously started to cry right when we saw the baby, just knowing that it's growing. We are growing a human it's buzzare. 

Here's a pic to show how much growth has happened. The top is 8 weeks and the bottom is 14 weeks: 

Here is one where the baby is looking directly at us. So creepy lol looks like an alien:

Oh, we also found out the sex!!! Can't share with anyone just yet though. We are having a gender reveal BBQ when Jeff's dad is in town next month. But in the mean time, enjoy looking at baby Martin grow!!! 

Friday, May 16, 2014

14 Weeks

Woke up this morning and noticed a little tiny bump....I decided to do our 14 weeks update (sorry for my I-just-woke-up-sleepy-don't-want-to-go-to-work look). Still have to get a chalk board to start our chalk board tracker haha. Oh laziness, how you get the best of me. 

Gender: Find out tomorrow!!
Weight Gain: 5 pounds so far 
Maternity Clothes: Not yet, using the hair tie trick 
Stretch Marks: None 
Belly Button In or Out: In 
Sleep: Great, other than waking up two or three times to pee. 
Best Moment This Week: Not enduring as much heartburn/indigestion
Miss Anything? Coffee and Strawberritas 
Movement: Nothing I can feel yet 
Cravings: No cravings really, maybe fruit and ice cream
Look Forward to: Finding out the gender tomorrow!!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Annnnnnd this is my life now

Even though I'm not "showing" my pants sure aren't firing any longer......this is my life now at 14 weeks pregnant. Not showing. Pants don't fit. FML. 

Caffeine Free.....for now

I recently decided to completly stop drinking coffee. I say completly lightly cause I did just have a tall decaf Starbucks yesterday afternoon lol. I's extremely hard to wake up in the morning and grab a cup of water and not a cup of delicious hot coffee. I love my routine and my routine definitely involved coffee. Everyday. Not necessarily to wake me up, I just simply LOVE coffee. However, I do have to say the majority of days I don't drink it I feel more awake, more alert, less indigestin and heartburn and just all around feel better. My body is telling me that my life is better off and healthier without the coffee. It's a self realization I didn't want to come to this morning :( 

Goodbye my favorite vice. Maybe we will meet again sometime in the future. 

Monday, May 12, 2014

Toilet Paper Nazi

I am genuinely concerned about the amount of toilet paper I use, it's seriously going to give us financial problems. Lol. 

1 or 2 squares? What is that? Who measures the amount of toilet paper they use by squares? Imbeciles. I count "1,2,3" seconds as I pull down as much paper as possible.....everytime. Although, come to think of it, no I'm slightly concerned about OCD cause I truly count "1,2,3" seconds everytime....FML. 

This post has absolutely no relevance to anything, nor is it conducive to getting any work done.....

Peace out. 

It's only Monday.....

Ugh it's only Monday? Really? Why can't it be Friday?

This week is going to go by so slow for me. Saturday is our appointment with the 4D ultrasound place to hopefully find out the gender. Although, with the way this baby is basically growing into my spine and no where to be seen, I have a feeling we won't be able to see any privates! Nonetheless, it will be amazing to see how much the blob has grown since we last saw it at 8 weeks. 

Eeeeekkkkk, c'mon Saturday! 

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day

Happy mothers day to all the moms out there. A special shout out to my mom, love you with all my heart, can't wait for your grand baby to know all the love you have to give. 

Hope everyone has a splended Sunday, it's beautiful here in San Diego. As always. ;) 

Thursday, May 8, 2014

13 weeks

13 weeks today.....

For real though....if the baby is the size of a lemon/peach and my uterus is now the size of a melon....where the heck is everything??!!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Eating for "two"

Technically you only need around 300 extra calories a day to sustain your healthiness throughout pregnancy. I don't really count calories but I'm pretty aware of what I put into my body. 

Can I just tell you how hungry I get? I mean, let me just walk you through my day thus far today.....

- wake up at 6:15am
- make a cup of decaf (I only drink about half so just calm down) 
- make two slices of raisin cinnamon bread (I usually have a smart one breakfast sandwich but I'm gettin sick of those) 
- get ready for the day, leave and get to work at 8am
- 8:30am starving a snack. Today I had a fruit roll up, a banana and pita chips. Oh and I indulged in some delicious dark chocolate covered acai berries (u can get them at Costco they are to die for) 
- 10am starving another snack. Had some pork jerky. 
- 12pm starving again. Co-worker went to Taco Bell I had a double decker. 
- 1pm go to lunch....finish off my pita chips. 

It's now 1:14pm and I'm starving again. Keep in mind I don't say "starving" lightly, when I say "starving" I mean it in the literal sense of the word. 

I've got some trail mix and a fiber one bar to get me through the rest of my work day. After wich I will go home and make a delicious salad for me and the hubs just in time for me to hit the sack around 9pm and be STARVING.

No joke, I have literally woken up on more than one occasion at 2am STARVING and had to get out of bed to eat. LOL wth is this?! 

I'm really going to need to prepare better for the day, need to think up some healthy snack/lunch ideas that are substantial enough to fill me up and keep me going throughout the day without over eating junk! 

Ugh, I'll let you know what I can muster. 


Monday, May 5, 2014


I seriously can't get enough sleep. I could have literally fell asleep at the wheel today on my way home from work. 

Dinner done. Mad Men watched (poor Don). Dogs fed. Time for a walk then this little mama is off to bed with her sexy husband. 

MUAH. Loves. 

Friday, May 2, 2014

And the beat rolls on....

We had our 12 week check up this morning and got to hear the baby's little heart beating away at 162 beats per minute. Pretty cool. Also, scheduled our 4D for 5/17 to find out the exciting.

Now where the hell is the baby?? I swear it's in my stomach someplace, although I can't tell where. Some days I look like I'm pregnant and others my tummy is flat as can be. Oh well though, I'm not complaining, I'll stay small as long as possible. 

Happy Friday monkeys. 

Thursday, May 1, 2014

I Pooped Today!!!!

Haha saw this on good 'ol Pinterest....found it hilarious because being pregnant seriously messes with your digestive system. 

This is real life: Yesterday from the bathroom I screamed to my husband with sheer joy, "IM POOPING" 


Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Cystic Fibrosis

Apparently, I'm a carrier 😞 praying Jeffrey is not. 

First Trimester

Is so scary!!! 

They say every pregnancy is different. For me, if I never took a pregnancy test or went to the doctor I would never know I was pregnant. Zero morning sickness, no throwing up or any of the quintessential pregnancy symptoms that everyone talks about. 

Pregnancy is counted at the start of your last mental cycle, so you're already considered two weeks pregnant before your egg has even been fertilized. Sorry if this is TMI for any of your baby ears.....anyways, most people find out they are pregnant around four or five weeks. The doctor won't see you until 8-10 weeks so there is a waiting period. 

The rough part is, you only get two ultrasounds throughout your entire pregnancy!!! Yes, ONLY two wth. One at 9 weeks and another at 19. At 9 weeks the baby doesn't even look like a baby just a blob. It's so hard to sit around wondering if everything is progressing normally, seriously. So. Hard. 

We go in for our second appt this Friday and at least we will get to hear the heart beat! As for waiting another three weeks to actually see the baby again/find out the sex.....I'm seriously going to drive myself and my husband insane worrying! 

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Fur Babies

These two amazing baby boys are going to be protective big brothers. 

They are just too cute, I mean look at them..... 

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Sunday....bump day

I've been wearing a lot of maxi dresses lately. Don't get me wrong my pants still fit but they are definitely getting tighter and the dresses are much more comfortable.

Today the hubs and I went to Ikea and Rubios for lunch. He asked me if I was sticking out my gut lol, I told him, "no, that's the baby you implanted in me". 

Thursday, April 24, 2014

11 Weeks

11 weeks pregnant today, baby Martin is the size of a fig! 

Hiking and Pregnancy

So.... Jeffrey and I have friends in town from Flroida, naturally we are courting them around doing all the fun "San Diegan" things we love to do. One of which is hiking. We decided to take them to hike Torrey Pines for two reasons: 1. Right on the beach, beautiful views and 2. It's a pretty low key hike and being pregnant I wasn't sure if be able to complete a "reall" hike.

First of all, I was way off even though Torrey Pines is a pretty low key hike I could barley do it! All the extra blood my body is pumping, combined with this cough I've have going on 4 weeks now really showed me whose boss! Damn dede this pregnancy thing is NO JOKE. 

Secondly, those signs that say "watch our for rattle snakes" don't lie. Mid trail I looked up and slithering right in front of our feet was a 4 foot rattle snake crossing the path. I seriously freaked out and ran away!! .....I'm a slithery little snnnaaaake.....LOL if you haven't seen that you tube you're missing out! 

Anyways, happy Friday Eve everyone. Here's a pic of Jeffrey and I from our hike. 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Moving Day

So, Jeffrey and I have finally spread our wings again after moving back from Florida almost two yeas ago. We can't thank his parents enough for letting us stay with them as long as we did to help us get back up on our feet.

Boy can I tell you how good it feels to have our own space again it's like euphoria lol. However, the dogs are thoroughly freaked out by the move. Leroy totally pee'd on my sandals, poor guy. I'm sure after a few weeks we will all begin to feel settled in. 

So happy. 

Monday, April 21, 2014

6 weeks - 10 weeks

Okay, here is belly pic number 1. Left side is 6 weeks and right side is 10. We will be starting one of those fun chalk board trackers at 12 weeks! Enjoy. 

Our exciting news....

Is finally out in the open!! 

Jeffrey and I are expecting baby number one early November! We are elated with joy. 

Here is our blob! Find out the sex in 4 weeks. 

Belly pics will be posted soon so stay tuned! 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Thursday, March 20, 2014

New to the blog world

So, I'm new to this whole "blog world" thing, bare with me. I've created this for only one reason that you will all soon find out why......stay tuned!